
Sonja, from YK tribe in Angkailongidi is 16 years old. On Monday Sept. 13th 2010 4 families had come to the house we were staying in for prayer. As each family described what their prayer requests were for their family, the girl Sonja passed out. Her parents explained that she has been passing out frequently for a number years. We asked her parents to stay behind as Steve and I both felt that the episodes of passing out were spiritual attacks. Through Abraham (our interpreter) we explained to her parents and those in the room the approach we would use for deliverance if indeed Sonja were being plagued by demons. We asked our prayer warrior partners to stay behind and pray as we took Sonja outside to speak to her privately beforehand. Sonja actually speaks a little English but had a much easier time communicating in her own language of Manipuri. Through Abraham we spoke with Sonja for over an hour asking about her relationship with Jesus, about her life and how long this had been happening. She explained that she had no memory of growing up. It appeared that she was “born again” and according to the pastor she was baptized about 1-½ years ago. She confessed through tears that she had used some mind-altering drugs from the jungle, tobacco and alcohol. She began to tell us about a re-occuring vision that she has of 3 boys and 1 girl that tell her to come with them all the time. She remembered the girl and said she reminded her of her sister-in-law in looks, but the boys were hiding and she couldn’t see them. We told her we wanted to pray with her so that she could repent of any sins, rededicate her life to Christ and renounce any generational curses that may be present. As we began to pray she immediately went in to a trance and it seemed as though she might pass out, but she didn’t. Her body jerked occasionally and her eyes fluttered and stared into space. She rolled her head from side to side. We sensed that Sonja was no longer present but something or someone else had taken over. We asked our translator to demand, in Jesus’ name, that the demons identify themselves. This trance like state lasted about 3-5 minutes. During that time Sonja stared in an eerie fashion and her eyes darted back and forth. When Sonja “came back” Abraham leaned forward and asked Sonja what she remembered. She whispered something to him. He just sat back and looked at us. We asked him what she had said. He held out his arms to show us his goose bumps and proceeded to tell us that she said his name was Lucifer. Apparently this is a name they don’t know or use in this area. Steve asked her why she was crying earlier in the conversation. She told us that she always wants to take her life and asks her parents to buy poison for her because she feels like an outcast. She is embarrassed because she faints all the time and people wonder what’s wrong with her. We asked Sonja at this time if she remembered anything we had talked about prior to this spell, and she didn’t. We talked further and eliminated all other possibilities of spiritual strongholds that she was aware of. With the information we now had we decided it was enough to proceed. One demon had been identified by name and 4 others were suspected. After verifying with Abraham that he was ready, we all headed back into the room with the others to begin the deliverance process. None of them had ever been involved in anything like this, so we briefly explained the process that was going to take place. We asked them if they could remain surrounding us and pray, or sing, or whatever the Spirit led them to do. Sonja, Abraham, Steve and I sat in chairs in the middle of the room. We explained to Sonja again that whatever came to her mind she should tell Abraham so he could translate it to us. At first some of the others wanted to talk too, but we explained that it would be too noisy if everyone was talking or asking questions so we suggested that they remain around us in constant prayer. As the process began Sonja looked a little frightened. Steve and I held her hands to comfort her and to be able to feel any changes in her body language. We told her not to be scared, that we wouldn’t be talking to her, but to the demons. We commanded Lucifer to go in Jesus’ name and asked for the names of the others for at least 30 minutes without any success. Finally we took a breather and Sonja told us that the demons were threatening her if she told us whom they were. Everyone began to pray again and we continued with the process. Since we already had the name of Lucifer himself we rebuked him and told him he was no longer welcome… he must leave and never return in Jesus’ name. Suddenly Nuomi began saying “Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, Satan has left!” Sonja began to pray and said that she saw many villages and they were all calling her and telling her that their village was better than her village and that she should come to them. It was obvious that even though Satan had left, there was still trouble. It seemed that the demons were trying to make us think that she was okay so perhaps we would stop, but we continued with the deliverance knowing that Sonja had already told us of at least 5 demons. We all rebuked the demons and prayed and prayed against the lies of the enemy. We continued to command their names but still with no success. At this point Ngouba walked back in to the room. Ngouba had been in his room praying and the Lord gave him discernment in assisting. He explained that he would talk to Sonja in their native Tangal language to get the names of the other demons. No one else knew this language. Finally a huge breakthrough came when the second demon timidly identified himself as Rasah. Uncle continued questioning until 4 names total were given. The others were Maili, Tantil and Thansai. At this point we all lay hands on Sonja and prayed. After everyone prayed together, praised the Lord, and then exited the room I talked to a friend who speaks English who had been outside the room praying. She said that as she was praying outside she felt a presence behind her. As she turned around to look she saw a man in a black dress step out of the room and fly away. Additionally, our friend Benjamin had come down so Steve asked him if he knew the meaning of any of the names. Benjamin replied that they are all surrounding villages. He said the name Rasah means “temptation.” Through Noumi we found that the name Maili is Nepalese and means “the 2nd one.” No one knew the meaning of the other names, but the fact that they were tribal village names made so much sense after Sonja told us that villages were calling out to her and telling her to come to them instead of her own.
Sonja, who had been having these fainting spells every day, many times a day, had not had any reoccurrences for the next 24 hours. Every time we saw her she had a huge beautiful smile on her face. She was so happy and wanted to be with us as much as possible. The following day Sonja was on her way to visit with us when she collapsed on the road right in front of the house. As we began to question her, she went into another trance. We were so dismayed and knew we needed to go through the entire process again. At this time, Ngouba had gone to the jungle because of land disputes so we waited for his return. While we were waiting for him we decided to talk to Sonja’s mother to see what information she could provide since Sonya had no recollection of the past. Her mother told us that when Sonja was about 10 years old she had taken her to the forest to collect firewood. She left Sonja in an area and told her to stay put until she returned. As the mother was coming back she noticed an old women carrying firewood on her head walking away from her daughter. She felt fearful when she saw this woman. When she got to her daughter, Sonja was dripping with sweat and her face was all red. The mother asked what had happened and Sonja couldn’t remember anything. Sonja’s mother said that from this day forward Sonja began having the fainting spells. We felt that perhaps the old women in the forest was a witch doctor from one of the surrounding villages that they had been warring with in the past. Perhaps she had placed a curse on Sonja to bring back to the tribe. Later that day Ngouba returned from the jungle. We explained to everyone gathered the new findings. This time Ngouba was to command each spirit to leave since he apparently spoke the right language. As he did this for the second time, we sensed changes in Sonja’s body movements. Though Nuomi felt that the bad spirits had left, we were not convinced and requested that Ngouba continue to question to verify if any other demons remained. Unfortunately the church bells were ringing signaling the beginning of the church service that Steve was preaching at. Everyone said we had to go and didn’t want to continue, believing that all the evil spirits had left.
As we entered the Church everyone was singing. Then, Steve went forward to begin speaking but started off with prayer. At that moment, Sonya who was sitting in the front row began to go in to another spell. Ngouba and Denise ran down to help her. Ngouba began to demand that if there were more demons they identify themselves. Two more were recognized but they refused to give their names. As Sonja came to, we returned to our seats. After Steve finished preaching (topic - how to recognize Satan and have victory over him) he had Denise and Sonja come to the front of the church. He explained recent events to the congregation and explained that Sonja needed all their prayers. At that time the entire church stretched out their hands and began to pray over her. This was late Thursday night and we were all exhausted. Though we were leaving the following morning we feel that everyone that was involved in this process will be capable of carrying out this process by themselves. Now they understand the importance of insuring all demons are gone and to double check before completing the process. We encouraged them to walk through all the steps with Sonja again, encourage her to be in prayer, in the Word and memorize scriptures and hymns.
Sonja, who had been having these fainting spells every day, many times a day, had not had any reoccurrences for the next 24 hours. Every time we saw her she had a huge beautiful smile on her face. She was so happy and wanted to be with us as much as possible. The following day Sonja was on her way to visit with us when she collapsed on the road right in front of the house. As we began to question her, she went into another trance. We were so dismayed and knew we needed to go through the entire process again. At this time, Ngouba had gone to the jungle because of land disputes so we waited for his return. While we were waiting for him we decided to talk to Sonja’s mother to see what information she could provide since Sonya had no recollection of the past. Her mother told us that when Sonja was about 10 years old she had taken her to the forest to collect firewood. She left Sonja in an area and told her to stay put until she returned. As the mother was coming back she noticed an old women carrying firewood on her head walking away from her daughter. She felt fearful when she saw this woman. When she got to her daughter, Sonja was dripping with sweat and her face was all red. The mother asked what had happened and Sonja couldn’t remember anything. Sonja’s mother said that from this day forward Sonja began having the fainting spells. We felt that perhaps the old women in the forest was a witch doctor from one of the surrounding villages that they had been warring with in the past. Perhaps she had placed a curse on Sonja to bring back to the tribe. Later that day Ngouba returned from the jungle. We explained to everyone gathered the new findings. This time Ngouba was to command each spirit to leave since he apparently spoke the right language. As he did this for the second time, we sensed changes in Sonja’s body movements. Though Nuomi felt that the bad spirits had left, we were not convinced and requested that Ngouba continue to question to verify if any other demons remained. Unfortunately the church bells were ringing signaling the beginning of the church service that Steve was preaching at. Everyone said we had to go and didn’t want to continue, believing that all the evil spirits had left.
As we entered the Church everyone was singing. Then, Steve went forward to begin speaking but started off with prayer. At that moment, Sonya who was sitting in the front row began to go in to another spell. Ngouba and Denise ran down to help her. Ngouba began to demand that if there were more demons they identify themselves. Two more were recognized but they refused to give their names. As Sonja came to, we returned to our seats. After Steve finished preaching (topic - how to recognize Satan and have victory over him) he had Denise and Sonja come to the front of the church. He explained recent events to the congregation and explained that Sonja needed all their prayers. At that time the entire church stretched out their hands and began to pray over her. This was late Thursday night and we were all exhausted. Though we were leaving the following morning we feel that everyone that was involved in this process will be capable of carrying out this process by themselves. Now they understand the importance of insuring all demons are gone and to double check before completing the process. We encouraged them to walk through all the steps with Sonja again, encourage her to be in prayer, in the Word and memorize scriptures and hymns.